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Leigh Dodds

As we start to move past the current boot-strapping phase of the semantic web in which we are constructing the web of linked data, its useful to begin discussing what other feature and infrastructure we need in order to support sustainable usage of this huge and growing data set: what services can be offered over linked data? Do we need to consider how to provide quality of service, stability and longevity to the data, or does the sheer scale of the web make these moot points?

In order to answer this question it's useful to compare the ongoing development of the linked data web with that of the web itself.

A Brief History Lesson

There have been several phases of activity in the development of the web. While in truth, these phases were of different duration, overlapped with one another, and have happened at different rates within different communities, essentially we have gone with the following basic steps.

Firstly we concentrated on just getting stuff on line. The early web was a new medium for document and data exchange and so was at its core a simple publishing device used as a collaborative space between small communities. But as the amount of content and the size and breadth of those communities grew, the emphasis shifted towards linking: tying content together to create, – initially hand-crafted – indexes of the web and knit the available content into a greater whole.

The second, manual linking phase was quickly supplemented by a third phase of automated linking between content: search engines. A search engine is simply a way to quickly create a link-base based on some search criteria. The crawling and indexing of the document web by web crawlers allows users to quickly construct links to content of potential interest.

The third phase of the web's development has been triggered by the commoditisation of search and the need for search engines to differentiate themselves and offer additional value-added services. Search engine features are now tailored towards particular uses or types of content (Google Image Search; Google Scholar); offer value-added features that capitalise on the ability for search engines to analyse the structure and traffic flows across the web (PageRank and similar indexing improvements; Google Trends); expanding the audience for content (Google Translate); and enabling community-driven customisation of the search experience (Google Custom Search; Yahoo Search Monkey, etc).

No doubt there will be subsequent phases of development, and the perspective of history will let us tease out common strands of development some of which will already be happening. But if we look at the recent, rapid development of the linked data cloud, we can already see that the same pattern is being repeated.

History Recapitulated

There has been RDF data available on the web for many years, used by a limited community of researchers. This slow accumulation of content – echoing the first phase of content publishing on the document web – has been replaced by a rapid increase in data publishing encouraged through the Linking Open Data (LOD) project. By providing clear pragmatic guidance and instructions on how to publish data for the semantic web, that project has enabled us to accelerate our transition through that first content publishing phase. But it has also, crucially, encouraged the linking together of data sets (Phase 2).

This linking has to a great extent been manual. Not in the sense that members of the LOD community are manually entering data to link datasets together, but rather at the level of looking for opportunities to link together datasets, encouraging data publishers to co-ordinate and inter-relate their data, and by attempting to organically grow the link data web by targeting datasets that would usefully annotate or extend the current Linked Data Cloud.

The rapid growth of the Linked Data Cloud means that this "manual" phase will soon be over: there will be sufficient momentum behind the semantic web that increasing amounts of data will become available and no single community will be able (or need) to shepherd its development. The focus will shift towards the subject specific communities who will instead co-ordinate at a more local level. Semantic web search engines will also become a reality.

Semantic Web search engines need to be distinguished from semantically enabled search engines. The latter use techniques like natural language parsing and improved understanding of document semantics in order to provide an improved search experience for humans. A Semantic Web search engine should offer infrastructure for machines. This Third Phase is also beginning to take place. Simple semantic web search engines like Swoogle and Sindice provide a way to for machines to construct link bases, based on some simple expressions of what data is of relevance, in order to find data that is of interest to a particular user, community, or within the context of a particular application. And crucially this can be done without having to always crawl or navigate over the entire linked data web. This process can be commoditised just as it has with the web of documents.

Co-Evolution of the Web Infrastructure

Given the strong concordance between the phases of development of the document and linked data web, it is reasonable to make some predictions on how semantic web search engines, and additional supporting infrastructure, is likely to evolve by comparing them with the development of human search engines. For each of the specialisations and value-added features listed earlier its possible to see an equivalent for the machine-readable web:

Document Web Semantic Web Infrastructure Description
Google Image Search Type Searching Ability to discover resources of a particular type: e.g. Person, Review, Book
Google Translate Vocabulary Normalisation Application of simple inferencing to expose data in more vocabularies that made available by the publisher
Google Custom Search Community Constructed Data Sets and Indexes Ability to create and manipulate custom subsets of the linked data cloud
Google Trends Linked Data Analysis & Publishing Trends Identifying new data sources; new vocabularies; clusters of data; data analysis

These last two are particularly interesting as they suggest the need to be able to easily aggregate, combine and analyse aspects of the linked data cloud. This infrastructure will need to be able to support the community in working with data in a variety of ways, allowing data to flow and be collected where it is needed. Introducing a metaphor for this process might help highlight some of the processes and its consequences.


Flowing Data

Data is like water and flows of data are like streams. These streams of data can arise from any number of different sources: from a person entering data into a system; from a click stream generated as a side-effect of web browsing; application events; or generated from real-world sensor measurements. There are already many ways that we can tap into these data streams, using web-based query APIs, messaging systems like XMPP, or syndication protocols like Atom and RSS.


While these streams of data are already supporting a huge range of different applications and use cases, they are inherently limited: a stream has no memory. If historical context is required, e.g. to support more complex querying and reporting, then each consuming application must collect and store the data. We can think of these collections of data as pools; each stream of data on the web may feed any number of different application-specific pools.

A pool of data provides extra flexibility, but comes at the cost of requiring each consuming application to maintain its own infrastructure to hold copies of that data. Even if each source of data provides direct access to its own pool, e.g. by exposing a web-based query interface onto its database, or by exposing linked data, there are still unnecessary overheads. Each data provider must provide their own scalable infrastructure and support a rich set of data access options.

If we start building large pools of data, within a community supported infrastructure, then we have a reservoir. A reservoir is a pool of data that is maintained by and services a specific community. Reservoirs allow issues such as quality of service (reliable supply of water) and infrastructure costs (building of pipelines) to be solved at a community level.

Its possible to argue that the web already consists of streams, pools, and reservoirs, but there is a distinct difference between a web based on semantic web technology and a Web constructed of a mixture of XML documents or similar formats: like water, at the molecular level, all RDF is the same; its all triples. Unlike alternatives, RDF data is more easily pooled and collected and so is much more amenable to explorations of shared infrastructure. Like a relational database, an RDF triple-store can contain an huge variety of different kinds of data. But unlike a relational database, an RDF triple-store, has the potential for the aggregate to be much more than the some of its parts. The seeds of convergence are built in, through reliance ah the most fundamental level on a global naming system (URIs) and standardised ways to state equivalence and relationships between resources.

In the real world, reservoirs do more than supply a community with water. The aggregate has its own uses: water skiing or hydro-electric power generation for example. And the same will be true of semantic web data reservoirs: large collections of data can be analysed and re-purposed in ways that are not possible – or at least not achievable without a great deal of repeated, redundant integration effort – using other techniques. The reservoir itself can be the source of new facts and new streams of data derived from analysis of its contents.

Flowing Data through the Talis Platform

The goal of the Talis Platform is to support the growth of the Linked Data ecosystem by providing the infrastructure to support the creation of pools of data. For additional background, see my article "Enabling the Linked Data Ecosystem" from Nodalities issue 5.

At present the Platform provides a range of services that allow data to be easily streamed into and out of Platform stores, allowing data to be easily pooled in order to benefit from greater context. Data can be pushed directly into the Platform and we are exploring methods of supporting other forms of data ingestion to make it easier and more natural to begin to accumulate data sets within the Platform.

The core search service, which produces its results in RSS, allows the creation of simple data streams, while the SPARQL interface supports more complex data extraction methods. The Augmentation service provides an interesting twist on these conventional approaches, providing a means for any RSS 1.0 feed to be automatically enriched with extra metadata by feeding it through a Platform data store. This means of interaction is like fishing for data: it is possible to serendipitously find and extract data, capturing it as extra context to items in an RSS feed, without having to deal with writing SPARQL queries or constructing a keyword search. There are many more methods and modes of data extraction that will be added to the Platform to add to these existing services; this is just the beginning.

But the Talis Platform is intended to provide much more than just the ability to work with pools of data. The bigger vision is to support the creation of true data reservoirs, and enable many different ways of manipulating and analysing their contents in order to discover new facts and bring new context to that data. Creation of these larger pools of content will need to be made sustainable for the communities that are creating them, and deriving value from them. Sustainability covers a wide range of issues that go beyond just commercial issues: quality and range of services are additional factors, as are forms of governance, trust and quality that relate to the data sets themselves. The Platform is intended to address all of these issues.

To take a small example, the experimental "store groups" feature that was released at the end of last year, provides a simple method for combining datasets, without requiring that data to be completely loaded or copied into a single database. The store groups feature will ultimately support a range of services over the constituent data sets, allowing each pool of data to remain intact whilst still contributing to the whole; this will be important to support the new forms of governance that are beginning to emerge around datasets on the Linked Data web.

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